One of the biggest issues in the industry is food waste. Fat and small bits of food get washed down the sink and start to cause a block in the piping around the bar or restaurant. As the fat cools, it solidifies and can get trapped on grates and build up in the pipework.
Make sure that you get rid of cooking oil in an environmentally and drain friendly way. This is generally about having the right management processes in place and making sure that everyone is aware of them.
When washing plates and cooking equipment, it’s also important that all the food waste is scraped off and put into the appropriate recycling bin before you hit the sink or dishwasher.
Customer toilets are another problem area that can lead to blockages in the hospitality industry. If you have a busy night and lots of people visiting the conveniences, it can put a lot of pressure on the drainage system.
Placing properly labelled bins in your toilets (for example, for baby wipes and sanitary towels) ensures that items that should not be flushed go in the appropriate receptacle. It’s also important to make sure that the toilets are cleaned and inspected regularly.